Natures Feeds was born out of the idea of providing wild birds with a good source of protein and during my travels overseas I came across packets of dehydrated mealworms and thought this would be the ideal feed for wild birds and so some 12 years ago we imported our first small consignment of mealworms.

It was so successful that we have been supplying pet shops, garden shops and wholesale outlets, both large and small throughout South Africa in ever increasing volumes. Over the years we have added other products such as the suet blocks with mealworms, half coconuts with our suet and mealworm mix, and more recently coconut feeder with an insert to take our popular suet tubs.

.."providing wild birds with a good source of protein.."


Our next venture was the nectar for the nectar feeding bottles, but we saw that there was an inconvenience in using the sugar packs as you had to boil water, mix and dissolve the sugar and wait for it to cool down and keep the balance refrigerated. So we came up with a liquid form of concentrated liquid syrup, you merely add the right quantity for the size of your feeder bottle, add water and put it outside for the birds to enjoy. This product has taken off extremely well and we are selling to all our outlets with great success.

Recently we started working together with a local wire artist to make us an attractive framework to hold both the .375ml and .700ml bottles. They are handmade and decorated with colourful beads and are fitted with the rubber cork and copper tube. This is giving additional work to local people in the Overberg region, where we are situated. We then thought what about a complete pack of feed for wild birds. This incorporates mealworms, bird seed, suet, fruit and cereals and is all combined together in a .500g easy seal pouch. You just feed directly from your bird feeders or on the ground. In our area we have the Francolins and Guinea Fowls who are also partial to this mix.

Soon we will also stock two new feeders. A coconut feeder for the Mealworm Plus or bird seed. And a suet feeder made from Primwood to take our popular suet tubs. The Primwood holder is made of recycled plastic and comes in 3 or 4 different colours and being a plastic wood it does not deteriorate in the heat or the rain and therefore retains its new look. Our organisation is constantly looking for products to add to our range that are wild life friendly and add a greater variety to our range of wild bird products.

Contact us for details of your nearest supplier should you have difficulties in finding our products in your area.

If you would like to let us know about an interesting product you may have seen or something that you have thought about that would be for the wellbeing of our feathered friends please do contact us.